Friday, February 8, 2013

Bonnie Blue & Gus Are Pals

                                                   Augustus 1 week after Adoption

Augustus (Gus) has been with us for a week and already he and Bonnie Blue are close pals. Bonnie Blue is the leader and Gus is a good follower. Both seem to be content in their roles. Gus continues to gain weight and strength.

Gus has been getting groomed at least daily by his humans. He is still shedding heavily. As the old loose hair comes out, he is looking less shaggy, more shinny and healthier. He seems to like the human attention of brushing and scratching provided the jealous Bonnie Blue is keep at bay where she can not get to him. There is love and attention enough to go around but Bonnie does not see it that way.

For the past several months I have taken Bonnie, a couple of time a week, to our 30 acre unfenced field to run, graze, roll and be a horse free in a large open space. The mode of operation is always the same. We walk down a path across a neighbor's field and into our field. Then I release her to run and play. After about an hour, the lead is reattached and we walk home. Yesterday, I took Bonnie to field, but to my surprise upon release she turned and ran back home to be with Gus. I think the herd instinct is strong with her. One thing for sure, she had rather be with Gus than eat fresh rye grass with me standing around.

I am thankful that they have one another and that they are both here with us.

Bonnie Blue 2/8/2013
Augustus (Gus) 2/8/2013

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