In the last couple of days, we are starting to see some personality develop in him. He is more assertive both with Bonnie Blue and us, his humans. Yesterday, I was in the feed stall preparing the evening feed and Gus was outside with his head sticking in over the wall. I greeted him with a nose rub and turned to get another bowl. When I turned back, I see the first bowl in Gus's teeth and headed out over the wall. I grabbed the trailing edge of the bowl and tug of war ensued. I was able to get it back, but not without a struggle.
As I recall, Bonnie Blue's sassy Arabian attitude did not manifest itself until she had recovered in her body and had been with us long enough to feel secure. I hope Gus will continue to recover both in body and spirit.
Starting today, we have discontinued the light feeding in the middle of the day. They still have free access to both hay and grass at all times and get treats at noon. Gus looks much better and is probably about a three (3) on a Body Condition Score. I think he will be fine without the noon feed snack.
Rain is in the forecast for the next couple of days, but the stalls are clean and they have a place out of the weather if they choose to use it. I don't understand horses some time. Today the weather was fair with some sun and they spent much of the day in the stalls. A couple of days ago it rained and they grazed in the field. I don't get it but then I ain't much of a horse.
Gus and Bonnie Blue 2/23/2013
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