Monday, December 3, 2012

This should be titled Bonnie Blue acts out.  Yesterday Robin took her across to the pasture.  She was perfect - no pulling -no moving to fast -did not have to turn around once.

After we got to the pasture Robin as I started to walk.  Bonnie looked up and saw us and started running toward me. She has done this before but always stops about 10 or 15 yards before me. I turned away just in time.  Playing Chicken with a 800 pound horse ain't my kind of fun.

Today,  we had high hopes of having a picnic in the pasture.  Robin packed a backpack of coffee, cookies and a blanket to set on. If I say she acted like a fool I would not be exaggerating. She slung her head back and forth. Tried to rear up and bucked.  Robin turned her around about 5 times and  as punishment we decided to take her  back to the stall. After she went through the gate to the paddock and the orchard. Robin unhooked her and she cut up again.  Would run off bucking and kicking and turn around and charge me. She did this about 3 times and each time I would yell and wave her off.

Having totally ruined our picnic, we decided to recoup and go sit under the pecan trees and try to drink our coffee and cookies. She came over like, "What are you doing?"  Acting as though she wasn't the reason we failed to have a nice picnic in the pasture. Finally we gave up and came in the house. Being good was just not in her game plan.

Bonnie gets a C- for her lessons today.  Maybe she can bring her average up with good behavior.
We will have to talk to Vernell when she comes in on Wednesday.

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