Sunday, December 9, 2012

At just over four (4) months after Bonnie Blue came to share her life with us she hardly resembles the horse she was when she first came here. The bones that were so pronounced are now all covered with beautiful coat and flesh. Her spirit is good and some times a bit sassy. She seems to know that she is safe and loved here and even the dogs do not seem to concern her anymore. She moves as she pleases between her stall and paddock near the house and her orchard / pasture a few hundred feet to the east.

This past week George Lupper the farrier and Vernell Falgout the trainer both came to she her. Her hooves are in good condition and all of the small cracks have grown out and been trimmed away. Both noted that she had filled out nicely and was at or rapidly approaching ideal weight. Bonnie Blue may be facing a new reduced diet after the holidays with the rest of the family. We have just completed her transfer from the "Senior" feed to "Safe Choice" standard feed this past week. For now she is still enjoying a bowl of alfalfa twice a day and two (2) cups of feed twice a day. I am sure you know that we would never spoil her, but she does get several carrots each day and an occasional corn muffin.

                                          Bonnie Blue 4 months after Adoption.

Bonnie Blue has been and continues to be a source of joy and wonder to us every day. She is a wonderful sentient creature. She may lack some of the function of the human brain and will never write her own blog, but she still posses a wonder spirit and communicates her sense of curiosity, trust, loyalty, joy, fear and so many more feeling common to all of us mammals. I have had many dogs, cats and other animals close to me in my life, but none have I developed such a caring relationship for so quickly as with this wonderful Bonnie Blue horse. There is no way to know what the future hold far any of us, but I am thankful every day for the opportunity that I have had to work with this magnificent creature. She is a joy and a delight.

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