Tuesday, January 15, 2013

As we start a new year, Bonnie Blue is whole, healthy and full of spirit. To see her now, it seems impossible that she was so thin and weak six months ago. Blessedly those day are behind her. Her weight seems to have  stabilized at about 825 pounds. Her coat is good and her attitude is Arabian. We think she is grand.

Horses, like many of us, seem to feel more secure with a routine that provides for our basic needs.
Bonnie Blue starts her day with her humans at about 7:00 AM each morning. The first thing is to tolerate being brushed, rubbed, scratched and groomed. Though this seems a bother some days, it seems to be the only way to get to the next step which is the morning ration of alfalfa and feed. However, the more we do this ritual of grooming, the more it seems to be fun and an enjoyable experience. After feeding her, her water is refreshed and filled for the day and her stall is cleaned if needed. At this point she can release her humans to go about their morning human business and she is free to graze in her pasture / orchard or eat hay in the paddock or stall.

Since moving to feeding her twice a day (morning and early evening), she gets treats at noon and a short visit with the humans of her herd (that being Rita and Robin). Treats vary some but usually consist of two large carrots and two corn muffins. This seems to be really well received by Bonnie Blue and a good time to make sure the humans are given any instruction from the horse necessary to assure continued smooth running of the tending of the horse. (For example if the feed or hay is running low she can dispatch a human to pick up more before the store closes and the supply runs out.)

In the late afternoon or early evening, once again it is time for feeding and checking the hay supply for the night and tell the humans good night.

As you can tell, this is written light hearted and poking a little fun at ourselves for being so attached to this creature. But truly, we belong to her just as she belongs to us. Sure we humans are the dominate species but that does not make us her master. Love and respect for the interconnectedness of the web of live, of which all living things are a part, tells us to care for one another. She shows us horse love ever day and we try to show her human love and caring. This creature has blessed our lives and shown us an aspect of inter species love which we had not known before. We are thankful and blessed by her presence.

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