Friday, November 9, 2012

It is turning cold here in Mississippi in the morning but warms up during the day.  Bonnie Blue is donning her winter coat and looking rather shaggy chic if I say so myself.

Vernell, the trainer, came this last Wednesday and worked with her right leg  training her muscles to  correctly walk.  She has improved greatly in her gait and hardly ever paddles when she walks now.  The exercise we work with her is a maze that teaches her to shift her weight when she has to make tight corners.  The gives her more body control.  We also threw down planks at random making her step through the open spaces. This helps her learn where to place her feet around  and through obstacles.

Robin says that she is 20 pounds to sassy.  She now shakes her head and runs to the paddock for the sheer pleasure of the run.  Sometimes she is running so fast that she misses the gate and has to come to a skidding stop.

I went to Virginia last week and was gone a week.  When I got home I walked out to the paddock and called her. She saw me and came up to give and get kisses.

Bonnie Blue has been in our family for less than four months and we can't believe what she has done for us. Robin calls her a big ole love muffin.

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