Monday, August 13, 2012

Look what the "Monday funky blues" will get ya!

My husband and I moved to Mississippi in 2011.  We moved into a 100 year old farm house with 3 horse stalls behind a two car garage.  We expected to sell our house in Memphis and start building our retirement home.We have a family expression stemming from getting lost in downtown Memphis that goes: "See where you are, turnaround." The economy gave up a reality check so as of 2012 we have not sold our house in Memphis and we are sharing our cute but rustic farm house with 3 rescue Weims and 2 outside dogs and 3 cats.  Note: when you share a small space with pack animals and there is three of them and two of you  there is constant jocking for position. Frustration gives way to the funky blues which leads me into my next adventure.

On Monday July 23, 2012, I was having a really bad day. Every project I tried ended in the trash. My husband, Robin, and I go to yoga Monday, Tuesday and Thursday but on this Monday I was in no mood to calm my mind and stretch my body. As I surfed the web in my pjs I remember an an article in the Hattiesburg American about a Rescue Shelter in Moselle named Two Ton Ranch. I called and ask if I could just muck out their stall, and Rene, the owner said "Come on over".

When I got there there was no stall to muck out.  They had two corrals and a few pens.  Rene took me over to see the horse that was in the Hattiesburg American and said that her names was Bones and that she had been left tied to their gate. I never noticed her head just her emaciated body.  I had to have that horse.

When Robin got home I told him about Bones and that I had to have her.  He immediately started talking about fences.  I love that man!.

I grew up on horses but my daddy, Jeff Caldwell, died without passing the info along to me. I searched the web on starving horses and developed a rescue plan.  I also contacted my friend writer and animal lover, Carolyn Haines..  Her Bone Series of a failed southern belle who starts a detective agency and is haunted by her great aunt's black nanny is wonderful. I strongly recommend it.

We scheduled the vet to come on Friday . We took alfafa to Two Ton Ranch  and ask them  to feed her 2 pound every 4 hours and we would take her on Thursday.

This is her arriving at Breezy Pointe.

She immediately began putting on weight. This picture was taken five days later.
Ten days later!